Stewardship Kits
Blue Fish Stewardship Kits are slim, light and fit easily into any size tackle bag or glove box. Each Kit includes:
- 1 Shoreline Clean-Up Kit;
- 1 Blue Fish Canada sticker;
- 12 pocket-sized species-specific fish ID cards; and,
Over 70 stewardship tips for the sustainable harvest and catch-and-release of most popular Canadian game fish.
Get your personal Stewardship Kit by donating $5 to Blue Fish Canada. Be prepared to tackle unsightly messes along the shore of your favorite fishing hole or at the boat launch. Fish more confidently using the latest science-based sustainable harvest guidelines and catch-and-release best practices.
Contact Blue Fish Canada to arrange to receive a Stewardship Kit, or to have Kits sent to your organization.
Email: Director@BlueFishCanada.Ca
Phone: 1.613.232.2028