Living Waters Rally 2016

Once again Lawrence Gunther, President of  Blue Fish Canada, has been selected to present at the Canadian Freshwater Alliance’s Living Waters Rally (September 28-30 2016, Vancouver). The topic of Lawrence’s presentation will  be the role research aquariums are playing in recruiting new water stewards and their strong connection to fishing. This is the third Rally in a row Blue Fish Canada has had an active role in supporting the Canadian Freshwater Alliance in delivering.

For more on the 2016 Rally link to:

During the 2013 Living Waters Rally Lawrence Gunther presented on the connection anglers and fishers have with water and fish, and their commitment to ensure this connection continues for many future generations.

The following will take you to a 20-minute audio recording of Lawrence’s presentation: 

In 2014 Blue Fish Canada was part of the organizing committee for the Living Water Rally. The following statement was issued by the Canadian Freshwater Alliance, a project of Tides Canada, and organizer of Living Waters Rally 2014:

Canada’s waters are suffering. Lakes are choked by algae blooms. Rivers are overflowing their banks, with others dangerously close to drying up. Drinking water supplies are compromised. Struggling fish populations are often unfit for consumption.

Healthy, living waters are essential to the health and prosperity of our communities and the survival of all species. We are blessed in Canada to still have some of the world’s most pristine waters and thus a global obligation to protect them and to restore those waters that are suffering—before it’s too late.

This past weekend, 110 delegates of Living Waters Rally 2014—representing recreational, indigenous, cottage association, faith, philanthropic, environmental, business, academic, and arts and culture groups from across Canada—came together to discuss the future of Canada’s freshwaters.

The people of Canada deserve to know the health of their home waters and that many are increasingly at risk and need to be able to know which ones are healthy. We need regular, independent public assessment of and reporting on the health of our waters.

Protecting and restoring the health of our waters will require leadership. Canada needs a legal and policy framework that sets a high standard of accountability and transparency.

Indigenous peoples, including First Nations, live in harmony with nature and place a spiritual and sacred value on water and have rights to maintain and strengthen their relationships with traditionally occupied lands and waters pursuant to treaties, aboriginal title and aboriginal rights. Hence, indigenous peoples engage in the movement to protect our waters.

We invite many more people and organizations to be engaged in the protection and restoration of Canada’s freshwater. We will build and strengthen the water movement to ensure that all our waters are in good health—swimmable, drinkable and fishable.