What Lies Below
As the president of Blue Fish Canada, a federally incorporated registered charity focused on ensuring the future of fish and fishing, it’s with great pleasure and considerable pride that I’m able to announce the documentary I researched, wrote and hosted, “What Lies Below” has been selected to compete in the Canadian feature film category at the 2016 Planet in Focus Film Festival. Even better, the documentary has been chosen as the closing film for the festival on Oct. 23 at the Rogers Hot Docs Theater in Toronto, and will be part of the International Eco Hero Awards ceremony honoring Alexandra Cousteau.
What Lies Below presents ten significant fish habitat and sustainability stories and the concerns, fears, hopes and actions of the people I met and fished with who live by and from the water. In making this documentary, my goal was to explore issues facing Canada’s waters and wild fish stocks, and what people are doing to ensure the future of these important resources. In the words of the Executive Producer, Alex Sliman, CEO of Cinelande Inc, “It’s through Lawrence’s ability to perceive without the use of his sight that the rest of us will learn the truth about what’s really happening beneath the surface of our rivers, lakes and oceans”.
A special sneak-peek screening of the documentary is being organized by the Fresh Water Alliance as part of the 2016 Living Water Rally in Vancouver. More screenings are being organized across Canada.
What Lies Below from tech@post430.com on Vimeo.
The launch of “What Lies Below” represents a culmination of thousands of volunteer hours, the investment of considerable private resources, and a commitment by all those who worked and took part in its filming to ensure the future of fish and fishing. Profits from the documentary will go to Blue Fish Canada, to support programs to train people to fish sustainably and safeguard their aquatic resources.
It’s now up to all of us to get the message out that we all have a part to play. Sharing and liking the news of the launch through social media is one such action. Another is directly supporting Blue Fish Canada by making a donation.
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Make an online tax deductible donation to Blue Fish Canada.
I thank you in advance for taking the time to consider how you might provide your support. Given the camouflaging properties of water, it’s far to easy to allow our rivers, lakes and oceans to be used as convenient waste receptacles, and to harvest fish unsustainably. Blue Fish Canada is working hard to educate people how to engage with our water and fish resources in ways that will allow humanity to establish a symbiotic relationship with our aquatic ecosystems, both now and in the future.
Lawrence Gunther Euteneier
Blue Fish Canada
Email: Director@BlueFishCanada.Ca
Twitter: @LawrenceGunther
Web: www.BlueFishCanada.ca